Sunday 28 April 2013

Still waiting! Documentation to do though...

I fancy taking on the documentation while waiting on the bugs in the game to be weeded out.
Apparently our game is the last one that is going to be seen this year. This is great news as it means it may well be the best polished game of our class... on the other hand it is terrible news as we look like lazy.
Anyway back talking about documentation, its just a re do of the stuff we described in the planning and adding a bit in here and there about what went well/wrong and giving credit for who did what. I am safe to say that nothing went wrong with the few things I did. I am proud of my efforts. I can't say this about a couple of other modules though.

Wednesday 17 April 2013


I am still awaiting feedback from my group.
Hopefully this happens sooner or later... maybe I can even make it into UNI.
If I was needed surely they would let me know.
Trying hard not to waffle on about nothing, but nothing is what I have.
Look here: